Breaking News: Over 30yrs of togetherness the beatles have parted ways following…

Breaking News: Over 30yrs of togetherness the beatles have parted ways following…

Borderlands has been an absolute disaster for both Lionsgate and developer Gearbox Studios, no matter which way you slice it. It made back barely any of its whopping $110-120 million budget, it was outperformed by the theatre re-release of Coraline, and it was brutally roasted by Uwe Boll, one of the most infamous directors of video game adaptations out there.

Borderlands 4 was announced at Gamescom Opening Night Live CEO Randy Pitcearlier this month, which was a brief reprieve from the criticism, but Gearbox quickly found itself back under the microscope thanks to the dodgy release of Risk of Rain 2’s first expansion after its developer was acquired. Throughout all of this, Gearbox hford has been tweeting via his personal Twitter account, defending the studio’s recent projects.

Pitchford has tweeted out some questionable statements ever since the Borderlands movie released, but his most recent tweet has to be seen to be believed. When confronted about the Risk of Rain 2: Seekers of the Storm’s shoddy release, one fan questions Pitchford’s “judgment and shot calling ability,” to which he responds by comparing himself to The Beatles.

“I’m going to keep making stuff. I wish everything could be a hit, but that is not how it works. The greatest musical act of all time, The Beatles, had a 25% hit rate.”

Taking away the fact that this is the CEO of the developer that made Borderlands of all things, the “25 percent hit rate” claim alone is a statement bold enough to ruffle some feathers. I’m also struggling to think of a Beatles song that is a worse experience than Aliens: Colonial Marines, but none are really leaping to mind at the moment.

Thankfully, Pitchford follows this statement with something that we can all agree on, and that’s the fact that both The Beatles and Gearbox make things “with love and commitment to the art and belief in the quality of their work.” Just maybe focus less on strained comparisons to The Beatles and more on actually making sure Borderlands 4 is the best it can be.


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