Shocking: Cleveland Indians back on track.

Shocking: Cleveland Indians back on track.

Well everyone, we’re back! For those of you who have stuck around for the entire series I can’t say enough about how appreciative I am that you would take the time to read all of these. If I remember correctly I started showing some signs of madness during the 60’s that turned into a full on dissociation from reality during the 70’s and 80’s, but from here on out the baseball is at least solid so while there’s no shortage of frustration and heartbreak, the “they were terrible and I’m not sure how they won even the few games they did” articles have completely come to an end.

When we last saw our not so triumphant heroes they had just been eliminated from the new 1 game playoff by the Tampa Bay Rays. In spite of this disappointment at the time it was hard to see the 2013 season as anything other than an absolute success! Young players like Jason Kipnis and Michael Brantley were taking massive steps in their development, Justin Masterson looked like a legitimate front of the rotation starter, Danny Salazar emerged as one of the premier young arms in the game, and some guy named Corey Kluber had a decent year.

In the immortal words of Kronk from Emperor’s new groove “Oh yeah, it’s all comin together”

So how do you build off a season like that? You go out and sign the two biggest free agents on the market to bolster an already impressive roster, and that’s just what Cleveland did when they went out and signed……. David Murphy and John Axford.



Sure I guess.

So I only remember one thing about the Murphy signing and it’s the reports about “how well he hits at progressive field” which even at the time I was like “doesn’t that just mean he hammered our garbage pitching staff from 09-12?”

The only thing I remember about Axford was that during spring training he correctly guessed all the Oscars winners, and I only remember that because I saw a tiktok about it yesterday.

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